How to Travel With Anxiety Disorder

In today’s modern world where everyone is part of the cat and rat race, it`s not very surprising to go through mental health issues like depression and anxiety disorder. Sometimes it`s often noticed in people with anxiety and depression problems that they try to set their boundaries and don’t want to get out of it. It is because of the fear that they may encounter problems like panic attacks and severe anxiety symptoms if they cross their boundaries or move out of their comfort zone.

But in reality, it is not the anxiety disorder that limits your ability and makes you less active but it is the fear of the disorder that restricts your actions. Many people with anxiety disorder have a common fear of travel. Hence, they limit themselves within the boundaries of their home and office. But in reality, it’s not impossible to travel the world even if you have an anxiety disorder.

Below mentioned is a detailed guide and a few expert tips to get out of your comfort zone and travel around the world with anxiety.

Do not work against your anxiety but with it

The most important way to fight anxiety is by accepting it and not by fearing the disorder or walking against it. The worst thing one can do about anxiety is not accepting the fact that he has the problem and looking for some diversions to escape the situation.  You must accept and embrace the fact that you are anxious. Because trying to ignore or push away the feeling of anxiety forcefully will only worsen the situation. But once you accept and embrace the fact that you are feeling anxious and are going through anxiety disorder, you can at least reduce the severity of the anxiety attacks.

Pay attention to your body

Anyone who has anxiety can assure that it is not only a mental issue but has a severe impact on your body too. Therefore, taking a few steps to keep your body relaxed and nourished can ultimately help you fight against anxiety. A few common ways to do the same are described below.

Get enough food and water in your body

Anxiety often results in reduced appetite. Hence if you will nourish your body the day before you travel it will fuel your brain and body to fight anxiety.

When you are anxious you will feel thirstier. This is because anxiety often increases our thirst. Hence a cold bottle of water will come in handy.

Try to do a 10-minute guided meditation in the boarding area

This step is specially intended for those with travel anxiety. Try to do a minimum 10-minute guided meditation Just before you are starting your journey. For help, you may download meditation apps on your phone. This step will help you to feel relaxed and calm before you start your journey.

Travel with a friend

It is often found in patients with an anxiety disorder that they feel more relaxed, comfortable, and safe when they are with their loved ones. Whom he can share his feelings. Hence, when you are traveling with anxiety disorder, try to find a companion who is well aware of your feelings, fears, and anxiety. Your loved ones will help you to cope with the anxiety symptoms and make you feel more secure and relaxed while traveling. Thus, curbing the common fear of traveling.  Hence to experience a more relaxing trip with limited anxiety and no panic attacks, try to travel with the one special person who understands you the way you are.

Use distractions

It is quite a common habit of an individual to focus more on their symptoms while traveling. As already discussed, one of the biggest reasons to get anxiety attacks while traveling is the fear and belief in oneself that he will get the attacks and hence becomes more anxious. Therefore, one must intentionally focus elsewhere and not on his core problem. You can divert your attention to other activities like reading books, playing an engaging and enjoyable game, talking to your loved ones, etc. doing these activities will pull back your attention to positive and happier thoughts instead of negative thoughts and fear.

Use CBD oil to ease anxiety

CBD oil is one of the most popular, quick, and effective ways to travel with anxiety disorders. CBD helps activate the endocannabinoid system that reduces the stress response. It is found by researchers that the use of CBD can limit the activity in the amygdala. A portion in the brain that is a part of the threat detection system. The use of CBD simply moderates the neural activity in the threat response system of the body. Hence the stressors and the perceptions of our threat change. Details about the uses of CBD oil for travel anxiety can be found on The Bellevue Reporter.

The bottom line

One must always remember that every problem has a solution. Having an anxiety disorder doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be homebound. With some expert tips and a proper understanding of anxiety and its necessary cure, you can always live your life exactly the way you want to.